Habitat Homer’s Home Tips: Stay Warm, Stay Safe

by Margie Olivares


Following a rather warm Christmas, a cold front has settled into the Alamo City and Bexar County, forcing many to take precautions following last year’s Winter Storm Uri that froze the state of Texas in its tracks. Below you will find some tips on winterizing your home as well as ways to warm your home in a safe manner.


Winter Safety From the National Fire Protection Association

  1. Keep kids, pets, curtains, bedding, and furniture at least 3 feet away from furnaces and portable space heaters.
  2. NEVER use your oven or BBQ pit to heat your home.
  3. If you go to sleep or leave a room—TURN OFF your space heater. This could save your life!
  4. Test smoke alarms at least once a month. Don’t let them chirp – be sure to replace batteries.


 From our Habitat Homeowner Manual

  1. Cover and insulate outside water faucets and exposed pipes.
  2. Trim back any trees or shrubs blocking utility wires or access boxes and make sure plants are trimmed away from your home.
  3. Check your soil for erosion and make sure water drains away from your foundation. Don’t let water pond around the foundation and check for cracks on the foundation or on the sides of your house. Have a professional evaluate any cracks 1/4 of an inch or larger.
  4. Check your roof for damaged or loose shingles and blisters. If you spot any, repair or replace them.


Winter Holiday Safety: https://www.nfpa.org/-/media/Files/Public-Education/Resources/Safety-tip-sheets/Winter_Holiday_Safety.ashx

Winter Storm Safety: https://www.nfpa.org/-/media/Files/Public-Education/Resources/Safety-tip-sheets/WinterStormSafety.ashx

National Fire Protection Association Website: https://www.nfpa.org/


*All Habitat families receive this information in their home maintenance manual. To learn more about the Habitat homeownership program visit www.HabitatSA.org/apply-for-a-home/


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