Habitat Homer’s Home Tips: Seasonal Maintenance – Grounds, Yard and Foundation

by Margie Olivares


With each season comes wear-and-tear on a home. To help prevent major repairs and protect a home’s value, we recommend practicing some seasonal home maintenance tasks. See below for some tips on ground, yard and foundation home maintenance tasks to keep in mind.

Spring Seasonal Home Maintenance Tasks

  • Trim back any trees or shrubs if they are obstructing utility wires or access boxes. Check landscaping around the home and make sure no plants or shrubs contact the exterior surface of the home. Cut off growth or replant trees and shrubs further away from home if necessary.
  • Spread a weed and feed for your lawn. Early spring is a good time to spread fertilizer so nutrients are added for a good root system to continue and develop more intensively in preparation for the stress of the heat of summer. Do not fertilize warm-season grasses in late fall as this should make the grass more susceptible to cold weather injury
  • Check cracks in the foundation or sides of the house. Have a professional evaluation if cracks more than ¼ inch wide are present.
  • Inspect driveway and sidewalk for cracks. For sidewalk cracks contact San Antonio public works
  • Check fencing for any damage. Repair or replace as needed.
  • Spray insecticide all around the outside base of your home. Also, spray the inside at the baseboards. Hire a pest control company or buy the spray and do it yourself.
  • Inspect for signs of termites and for wood decay. Find an exterminator or purchase treatment products yourself.


Other references to check out

Check out some of our favorite self-help books and publications to guide your daily chores. Be sure to keep up with your seasonal home maintenance tasks to ensure your home stays in tip-top shape!


*All Habitat families receive this information in their home maintenance manual. To learn more about the Habitat homeownership program visit www.HabitatSA.org/apply-for-a-home/


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