Habitat Homer’s Home Tips: Winter Maintenance

December 3, 2022

Habitat Home’s Home Tips: Winter Maintenance By: Sebastian Aguilar The last winter storm that hit Texas devastated lots of families, but this time we will be prepared. Make sure your home is nice and cozy with this Habitat winter maintenance checklist: Give your heating system a check-up The first task is verifying your heating system … Read more

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Fall House Dedication

November 28, 2022

Blessing the build: Highlights from the Fall House Dedication By: Sebastian Aguilar Hundreds of Habitat volunteers rolled out 52,000 sq ft of sod, covering eight new yards and capping off the fall build. Habitat’s Fall House Dedication followed landscaping as the community celebrated 18 new homeowners, gave a nod to Veteran’s Day, and marked the … Read more

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Volunteer Spotlight

October 22, 2022

Volunteer Spotlight: Alex Miranda By: Sarah Inez Arredondo   Who is Alex Miranda? Alex Miranda is a 41 year old Puerto Rican native, who first moved to Texas in 1994.  He and his family moved to Florida 4 years later then moved back to Texas in 2012. Alex has been volunteering in the Habitat Home … Read more

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