Retirement Sale Gives Opportunity to the Habitat Home Center

Retirement Sale Gives Opportunity to the Habitat Home Center by: Sarah Inez Arredondo   In 1987, Frank Dansby started Dansby & Wilson Enterprises. Two years later Mr. Dansby would buy out the Wilsons’ and change the company name to D&W Distributors.  D&W Distributors, Inc. was a local Tool Wholesaler in Garden Ridge, TX. serving all … Read more

2021 Renovation Projects Go Over Budget

Home Center Corner: 2021 Renovation projects go over budget by: Sarah Arredondo Did you know that 34% of homeowners saw their renovation projects go over budget in 2021?  That number was even higher at 45% for recent home buyers.  Of those recent home buyers, 79% renovated interior rooms. The median spend on kitchen renovations came … Read more


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